Friday, May 16, 2008

Pricing free games.

Most people have heard the phrase, "There is no such thing as a free lunch," when it comes to free online games, this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, there are all types of free games online. There also are a great number of them. The best part is that they are completely free. There are no catches.

Many free games sites offer plenty of pc games that you can play solo or with others. Some of these games do offer you the opportunity to upgrade. But if you choose not to, you will still get a full, working version. Upgrades simply allow you to take advantage of special features. Besides free games, free game sites offer visitors additional perks. For example, you might get reviews on top games, top scores for the day and even alerts to discounted gaming merchandise and games. Free online games sites also tend to updated regularly, so there will be no shortage of available and new games.

Free online games can a welcome distraction to an otherwise monotonous day. What is great is not only the sheer amount of available games, but also the diversity of them. There are literally games for every genre of gamers. For example, you can find racing games, shooting games, fighting games, arcade games, adventure games, puzzle games, RPG games and sports games to name a few. Free games are not only a choice simply because they are free but also because many are of fantastic quality. The quality of graphics varies, but you can find many games that have superior graphics and a well thought out and coded.

With all of the available free PC games, you wander why people spend so much money on consoles and expensive games. Well, the truth is they don't have to. However, there may be a perception in some circles that free online games are inferior to console games. That is not completely true. You will find some game programmers and coders that do excellent work and simply prefer to create for online games. There are some free games that are every bit as complex as those that many people spend $70 a pop for.

Another advantage of online games is that you can collect as many as you want, whenever you want. You can also play them wherever you have a computer. Simply put, your computer becomes your console and if you have a laptop, you can take it virtually anywhere. Another great thing about computer games is that you can play against people all over the world. Don't want to have your buddies over after work but still want to play some games or perhaps you want to test your skills against gamers overseas. This can easily be done when you play PC games.

So to answer the initial question, "Are free games really free?" The answer is yes. You can find thousands of quality games online that you don't have to pay a penny for in all types of genres. These are games that you will actually enjoy, and not just sub-rate, kiddie games, but games for all ages and all tastes.

Mobiles and gaming...

What do you use your mobile phone for nowadays?

Calling your sweetheart, sending witty text messages to friends or perhaps even surfing the internet from the comfort of your handset?

But what about games? For some they provide a welcome distraction on the commute home, and as technology continues to improve we could soon find a wider selection of high-quality titles available (Mobile COD4 anyone?).

Ask most users of mobile phones and the response will most likely involve some kind of virtual reptile or puzzle game involving falling blocks.

But as technology of mobile phones continues to improve, avid gamers could soon find themselves with access to graphics normally associated with console gaming, but on a much smaller scale.

Indeed, the mobile gaming industry is growing fast, with many different genres becoming more freely available on our handsets รข€" from puzzle games to role-playing titles and others more commonly associated with PC or console gaming.

As technology of handsets improves, with faster chips and high-quality graphic interfaces with touch-screen technology becoming more affordable - even for pay as you go mobile phones - game enthusiasts could soon have access to higher quality games in the palm of their hands.

As touch-screen devices are becoming more widely available, the potential for interactive gaming could prove popular amongst gamers.

However, some are using the handsets themselves as part of the game itself, with tilt technology built into the handset, allowing for the potential for games that are played by simply tilting the handset.

Tilt technology allows developers the chance to tap into genres usually associated with the big screen, such as driving titles or gyroscopic puzzle games that require precision tilting - meaning that a jolt on the bus could prove costly if you're trying to concentrate.

With the potential for better quality games on a smaller scale, many film companies are now tailoring mini-games to coincide with release dates of films - in some cases offering the chance to discover secrets about characters by playing through scenarios on their handsets.

With 3D graphics chips and faster processors being developed specifically for mobile phones, the next level of gaming could soon be in the palm of our hands, which could make the daily commute less boring...

Just make sure you don't miss your stop!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Why We Play Games, Part 1

There exists some ephemeral quality that separates gamers from the rest of humanity, some thing that makes us, us and them, not us. I've never been able to quite put my finger on it, but it is inescapably there. Today, in hopes of moving closer to that essential quality of gamerosity, we examine part of what makes us tick. In particular, we take a look at what draws different types of gamers to the hobby. Every gamer plays for different reasons, but there are common threads that tie the experience together.

Many gamers are motivated by the challenge a game can present. Success in a game may be governed by any of a wide variety of abilities. A First Person Shooter requires twitch reflexes, a steady hand and the ability to remain calm under pressure. A word puzzle game may require an extensive vocabulary and the ability to rethink the uses of old words, but no measure of speed. A sports simulation might well require an in-depth knowledge of the topic, in addition to arcade skill, but is unlikely to have terribly much concern for linguistic acumen.

The common thread is that all of the games challenge some subset of a player's abilities. This challenge can be a powerful motivator. The Challenge Motivated gamer is drawn to a game that tests their skills, preferably one that tests them to their limits. The gamer may also be motivated by the natural improvement that comes from working at peak. They are driven then, not only to excel, but to improve. Challenge Motivated Gamers thrive whenever a game pushes their skill set of choice, but may be disinterested in games that fall too far away from the target.

Competition is a close cousin of challenge. Many gamers are driven by the need to prove they are the best, to be pitted against their fellows and come out on top. Competition minded gamers range from those looking for a challenge in a fair fight to the sort of win-at-all cost leet speaking infants that give us all a bad name. Competition can be easy to take too far. There is nothing inherently wrong with being driven by competition. To some extent, competition is merely challenge taken to the extreme. It is only when it leads to mistreating your fellow player that it begins to become less a motivation and more an unfortunate personality quirk. Competition Motivated players thrive on those games where they are pitted against one another with the outcome dictated by skill at playing the game. They will often wane in those environments that either require cooperation, such as many MMORPGs, or in games where skill plays a much smaller role, such as in less sophisticated card or dice games.

Next week we will take a look at some other common gamer motivations, including Creativity, Escapism and Social Interaction.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lost in WoW

New to World of Warcraft? Feeling a little lost? Well, look no further. Simply remember these useful tips and you'll be on your way to a richer and more rewarding World of Warcraft experience (say tah!).

Tip #1 - Read your Quest Log

Do not ask for quest directions until you have completely read the quest. Asking players for directions without first doing so can often result in a hostile response. Your Quest Log generally contains all the information you could ever need to complete a quest. This, combined with the new minimap features has made questing extremely easy. You can access your Quest Log by pressing the "L" key.

Tip #2 - Use the minimap!

The new minimap features have made it an extremely useful tool. It displays nearby quest NPCs and objects as well as available flight paths. You can also use it to track important NPCs such as Innkeepers, Auctioneers, and Bankers. Be sure to check your minimap often while questing.

Tip #3 - Use the Town Guards

Can't find something while in a major city such as Ironforge or Orgrimmar? Speak with one of the many town guards for directions to class trainers, inns, auction houses, etc. A flag will appear on both your minimap and world map displaying the location you seek.

Tip #4 - Use Auto-Run

Got a long trip ahead of you? Press your "Num Lock" key to engage/disengage auto-run. You should now have a little more freedom to manage your inventory, check your quest log, or simply chat with some friends.

Tip #5 - Choose your professions wisely.

You can only learn two primary professions. Primary professions are broken down into two categories, gathering and production. If you intend on learning a production profession such as blacksmithing, you will want to pair it with the appropriate gathering profession. In this case mining would be the best fit. Having a gathering profession is also an excellent way to earn some gold on the auction house.

Tip #6 - Addons are your friends.

One of the best things about World of Warcraft is it's customizable user interface. You can download addons for World of Warcraft that enhance almost every aspect of the game. Class specific addons can even make playing your character easier and more efficient. Regardless of your needs, addons are a must have for any WoW player.

Tip #7 - Use a Leveling Guide

The use of a leveling guide will literally cut the time it takes you to reach max level by half or more. Using such a guide will keep you focused and help you complete quests and gain levels at an incredible pace. Before you know it you'll be experiencing the best part of World of Warcraft, the end-game content.

Good Luck Brave adventurers.