Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How *NOT* to earn money!

It’s funny how when you think your helping and doing well in life, it can all suddenly go Pete Tong!

Regardless I’m not going to whine today about how miserable I am and how I wish I had a job with Google (HINT HINT!). Instead today I’m going to highlight something very important that I constantly come across when I’m looking for anything to do with anything! I’m sure it’s happened to you at some point of your internet life! Flashing insecurity, Bold typeface to poke your eye and an amazing, at times tear jerking, story of a person who works from home due to becoming a housewife / unemployed / frustrated and ends up making thousands of dollars.

Yes I’m talking about those "how to earn (insert amount of high value currency here) in a (insert time period here)" scams. I may be wrong here (and please correct me!) but do these things EVER work???!

Personally I would love to make $300 a month for spending 1 hour hovering over ads a day... in Egypt that translates roughly to 1500 Egyptian Pounds (LE), which is decent pocket money considering a packet of 20 Marlboro lights (no I’m not giving away free advertising BAT!!!) costs 7.50 LE. With the new $300 Extra income I can now afford my own taxi ride for a whole month to and from work, and STILL have enough to buy cigarettes (I quit smoking incidentally) too!

Back to the point. Please take a moment to view this latest 'promise' I came across

Firstly look at that domain. Surely the person setting this up is interested in getting high traffic through his website, he is after all guaranteeing untold riches from the promise land! so www. is correct no complaints there. simplyrich is good, easy to remember and straight to the point. -sg an evil extension to the domain that completely destroys any impact he was *going* to have. Personally I have a wild imagination, and in cases can be taken as perversion, but what in HEAVENS name is -sg ?!!! Ah Singapore!!!! simplyrich-sg!!! Ok we will let it slip but I would have preferred sexy grannies! at least then your guaranteed alot of hits, if only to your home page. Surely .com follows and lastly we have a /nrn... no reason needed? I have no clue!

Just like the others, this websites home page is absolutely CRAMMED with useless quotes, repeated for effect! Quotes from all sorts of people smiling cheesy smiles! Absolutely no thought has gone into the picture they blatantly scanned from an Indonesian International School Year Book! I mean at least trim the picture and get it in high res! The blues, the blacks, the whites, the reds, the yellow all come together to form a blob that we are supposed to be entranced by! I hate it! Despise it!

Now for my favorite bit! THE STORY!!!

*Angelic Church music plays in the background*

what a story! Reading the first two lines I couldn't help but laugh! Quoted:

Dear Friends,

Spare me a few minutes to read my story below, you have my word that it is the honest Truth and your worries about money could be a thing of the past.

Ummm if you say so! Why would u want to reassure me it’s the truth, i am already assuming your tear jerking story is going to be the truth... now I’m not so sure! And clearly my worries about money will NEVER be a thing of the past... and I’m sure the same goes for you as my reader. Money worries DON'T just disappear because of an extra $300 a month from a blobbed up website! Regardless I gave the 1993 Prom queen of Indonesia High the few minutes. It goes on...

... My name is Irene Lim. I am from Singapore. Just a housewife married with 2 kids. Just like you, I chanced upon a site just like this, claiming to enable me to earn thousands and thousands a month. To tell you the honest truth, I said to myself "This can't be real". But being desperate for a stable income to help my husband support the family and provide a good life for the kids, I read on and became more and more convinced by the words and information laid out by the author...

I know that perhaps 40% of the UK workforce wouldn’t be able to construct or for that matter write so clearly. Truth be told I don’t even think "I chanced upon" is used anymore!!! But being a desperate housewife married with 2 kids living in Singapore can do amazing things to you I suppose (take notes ladies!). Regardless she still insists her story is the truth and she now supports her husband with her new found riches of $300 a month to create a stable income! it goes on ...

...As a housewife, I did not work and had very little knowledge about the Internet, all I knew was how to play some games my daughter showed me and emailed between old friends. I never imagined that making money online was even possible. But with very much joy and gratefulness, I can honestly say that I did it! Read on to find out how I did it!...

I’m wiping my tears of joy that human kind can be so ... beautiful!

Now I even make money while I am fast asleep. The Ultimate Wealth package allowed me to have abundant time to enjoy my life. As you know, you only Live once and there are some chances worth taking if you want to be successful. As for the chance I took, I gave lead me to where I am today. Free of all money worries with my leap of faith.

I wonder if those 'The Ultimate Wealth package (small p :( )" things can be bought on eBay! I find it also a bit daunting that this package can allow someone to have 'abundant' time to enjoy life, if I was an Alien and I came to Earth with the intention of taking over the world, I would have left by now. The desperate housewife goes on about chances, preaching about leaps of faith and reaffirming our 'we only live once' situation as humans.

If a housewife auntie like me can achieve it, so can you. Do you want to throw away your "money worries", The thought of not being able to afford nice clothes, good meals for the children or perhaps not being able to provide your parents and in-laws. I'm sure you would strongly agree with me on this.

Now this offends me! if someone told me 'if a man in a wheel chair can do it so can you' I would agree and push really hard to do it and truly be chuffed for the man in the wheel chair. But a housewife auntie from Singapore!!!! Now why the FUdge CaKe would I want to!!! I don’t want to throw away my money worries... I like worrying about how much money I have in the bank! how much money I have earned through my tiring labor and relentless effort! Remarkably the desperate 'housewife auntie' can now afford nice clothes, good meals for the children (forget the adults!) and providing for her parents and in-laws... and she’s 100% sure we would want to do the same thing....
Personally I WOULDN'T!

I wouldn’t give my kids nice meals and not me! I wouldn’t want to have 'abundant' time watching my kids eat those nice meals either! I don’t want to provide for my parents or for my in-laws when I know the secret to making "Ultimate Wealth package(s)". By God I would have them join!!! I have two kids who can now afford to go to a good school! I have my parents and my in-laws. That makes 6 people more qualified than me as the 'housewife auntie'! Forget giving, enslave!!! Make use of your resources and have even more 'abundant' time!

This chick insists we should join... so everyone, drop what you’re doing, and make $300!

"A small membership fee compared to losing all hope is nothing, Trust me."

Go on... you know you want too!

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